Briefing for MPs

LDA met with a small group of MPs, their representatives and a member of the House of Lords at Portcullis House on 16/11/2016. The meeting was facilitated and chaired by Hugo Swire MP. Those present were: Simon Hoare MP Oliver Letwin MP Natalie McGarry MP Martin Vickers MP Teresa Pearce MP Derek Twigg MP Baroness […]


CQC want to know about your care

This coming week is the Care Quality Commission’s InvisibleConditions campaign and Monday is highlighting Lyme disease. The Care Quality Commission needs people with invisible or long term conditions, like Lyme Disease, to tell them about the quality of care they have experienced, good or bad. Your experiences will help CQC inspectors decide when, where and […]


CDC downgrades estimates of PTLD

Mary Beth Pfeiffer of The Huffington Post continues to follow developments in the Lyme disease saga with this latest blog. This focuses on the revised (reduced) estimate of Post Treatment Lyme Disease (PTLD) by the CDC in the USA. It seems that this revised incidence of post-treatment symptoms has been based on long-term follow-up of […]


NICE update – Equality Impact Assessment v2

The first Equality Impact Assessment published by NICE back in March 2016 raised the possibility that EM on dark skin might need drawing to the attention of doctors. However, the decision was that clinicians were used to assessing rashes on all populations so this didn’t need a separate recommendation. That first assessment also raised that […]


August newsletter

On our newsletter page, the August 2016 newsletter contains brief articles on – LDA conference: Moving forward – a preview of what we are going to hear and discuss NICE: also on the move – the latest developments in the NICE guideline process PHE doctors’ day – some detail of the doctors’ day that Public […]


NICE final scope

NICE has published an updated stakeholder list, the the final scope of the Lyme disease guideline and the comments received by NICE on the draft scope – see the NICE Lyme disease page for all documents. Many stakeholder comments have resulted in changes to the scope, but for various reasons (which are published) many have […]


BBC Woman’s Hour

Last week LDA was approached by BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour requesting a female doctor who would be prepared to give a balanced view about Lyme disease on the programme. This had been facilitated by listener and LDUK member, Louise Alban, and was featured as part of #ListenersWeek. LDA’s medical director, Dr Sandra Pearson helped […]


Watch again – HiblioTV

The second live HiblioTV broadcast about ticks and Lyme disease can be watched on YouTube. This took the form of a live, unscripted conversation between Hiblio’s Paul Norrish and LDA’s medical director Dr Sandra Pearson. This is a 20 minute conversation in the trusted Hiblio format – an interviewer and an expert. The Hiblio team […]


NICE committee not complete

The first request for professional members for the NICE Lyme disease clinical guideline seems to have failed to recruit enough people. A new call has been issued for roles that were not successfully filled by the first round of interviews. 1 x adult general physician 1 x adult neurologist 2 x paediatricians (general paediatrician and […]


NICE Committee update

Interviews for the NICE guideline committee took place this week. From LDA one person applied for a lay member position and one for a professional position but we have no idea of the outcome and we have very limited information on other people who applied. Short-listed candidates will now have references followed up, there will […]
