Run tick-aware

– Advice for runners from Lyme Disease Action From veteran marathon runners to recreational joggers, from people who run in urban parks to those who prefer to take more extreme routes, charity Lyme Disease Action asks all runners to be tick-aware when out and about this spring and summer. Caused by the bite of an […]


Writer Stewart Bint walks 10km barefoot

Stewart Bint is taking part in a 10km barefoot walk (in fact, no shoes are allowed in the event!) around Coventry War Memorial Park on 20th July to raise money for LDA and to help raise awareness of Lyme disease in the barefoot community. For more details see the Sponsored Events page or go straight […]


Kelvin Fraser cycles the Etape Loch Ness

On 4th May, Kelvin will cycle this 66-mile route around Loch Ness to raise money for LDA. Read more on our Sponsored Events page or visit Kelvin’s MyDonate page.


NorTick 2014

Report of the NorTick 2014 Conference, held in Stavanger 5-6 February 2014. Approx 70 people, mostly Norwegians but a few from Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Germany. 2 from the UK. ID consultants, neurologists, microbiologists, paediatricians, GPs, public health, researchers (microbiology, biology, ticks & ecology) and 3 patients, gathered to share knowledge on tick-borne diseases. Pål […]


Another New Year

Where do we find ourselves at the start of 2014? On December 16th LDA had a meeting at the Department of Health. The purpose was to use cases documented through LDA’s help desk to highlight to the Department the  shortcomings in the current provision of care for Lyme disease patients. We have made them aware […]


Poster at piExeter Conference

The Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for the South West Peninsula (PenCLAHRC) held a conference in Exeter in November – “New developments in public involvement in research“. LDA submitted an abstract for a presentation and was delighted to be given a slot for a poster presentation. Drafting of the abstract was back in […]


UK & USA labs in talks

In a further move to foster international cooperation, LDA arranged for one of IGeneX directors, Dr Jyotsna Shah, to come to RIPL this week to discuss testing for Lyme disease. The meeting improved everyone’s understanding and established a good working relationship for the first time. IGeneX understand now that CDC criteria for the number of […]


November newsletter

LDA’s latest newsletter is now available. This has news on Public Health England conference with links to presentations & comments Joint action plan for Lyme disease – coordinated by PHE Plans for official UK Guidance for Lyme disease Patient & Clinician support provided by LDA This is all newsworthy. We’re not sure what is most remarkable, […]


Is persisting Bb infectious?

Cathy Rubin of the Huffington Post has interviewed Monica Embers about her team’s studies of Borrelia burgdorferi in rhesus macaque monkeys. This is a very good summary, with key references, of what we do and don’t know in this field. Monica Embers says: “While we have shown that intact Borrelia spirochetes can persist following a […]


Parliamentary question – Oct 22nd

22nd October 2013 – Topical questions: Oral Answers to Questions on Health Duncan Hames (Chippenham, Liberal Democrat) said – A written answer from the former Minister, my hon. Friend Anna Soubry, to my recent parliamentary question has on this subject revealed that people living in the south-west of England are three times as likely to […]
