NICE committee not complete

The first request for professional members for the NICE Lyme disease clinical guideline seems to have failed to recruit enough people. A new call has been issued for roles that were not successfully filled by the first round of interviews. 1 x adult general physician 1 x adult neurologist 2 x paediatricians (general paediatrician and […]


Watch out walkers; ticks about!

The warming weather is bringing the ticks out, and it’s not just pets that are at risk! Ticks are blood sucking members of the spider family and the stage that attaches to humans is very small – about the size of a poppy seed. Easy to miss clinging on behind your knee! Ticks can be […]


NICE Committee update

Interviews for the NICE guideline committee took place this week. From LDA one person applied for a lay member position and one for a professional position but we have no idea of the outcome and we have very limited information on other people who applied. Short-listed candidates will now have references followed up, there will […]


Ticks & Torbay Hospital TV

LDA is delighted to be invited back to talk to hiblio about ticks, tick-bites and prevention of tick-borne diseases. This is scheduled to be live-streamed from Torbay Hospital at 2.00pm on Wednesday 22nd June 2016. Paul Norrish, Founder and Digital Manager of hiblio will be talking with Dr Sandra Pearson, medical director of Lyme Disease […]


Article in Pharmaceutical Journal

The Pharmaceutical Journal, a weekly publication for pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists has published an article – Treating Lyme disease: when will science catch up? Pharmacists are important healthcare providers and will often help in identifying possible Lyme disease rashes in particular, so this publicity in the journal is very welcome. We hope it may send […]


NICE guideline – committee recruitment

Applications have opened for the members of the committee which will draw up the NICE guideline for Lyme disease. This committee will have specialist members (ie health professionals) and also lay members (patients and carers). LDA is sending details to health professionals whom it knows have some experience of, and interest in, Lyme borreliosis. If […]


NICE Guideline – scope consultation

The draft scope for this guideline has now been issued for consultation. Some changes have been made following the scoping workshop, and the official workshop notes can now be viewed on the NICE website, so you can see the variety of the discussions. LDA will be submitting a written response because there are a fair number […]


NICE guideline – scoping workshop

See our main NICE Guideline page for information and links. Stakeholders from industry, the public, professions and NHS joined the scoping workshop held on Tuesday 23 February in London: 8 people with a patient & public view: 2 from Lyme Disease UK, 2 from Lyme Research UK, 1 from Facial Palsy UK and 2 from […]


NordTick 2016 Conference

Held in Sweden, February 2-4 2016, this was organised by the Norwegian Tick Research Network (NorTick) and the Swedish tick research network SNÄFF (Sveriges NÄtverk av Fästing Forskare). A Nordic conference on Ticks and Tick-borne diseases bringing together the leading scientists of that field in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. NordTick in numbers: 113 delegates […]


LDA poster presentation at NordTick

LDA presented this poster at the NordTick 2016 conference: Lyme Borreliosis – A model for improved diagnosis. The aim was to explain to the conference delegates  (scientists and doctors) that Lyme disease is an emerging disease in the UK Awareness amongst the public is low Awareness amongst doctors is low Many people go undiagnosed and under treated […]
