NICE Quality Standard consultation

The draft Quality Standard for Lyme disease has been issued for consultation. The aim of the Quality Standard is to raise standards by emphasising some key points with health professionals: Treat a Lyme disease rash without a blood test because the test may be negative at this stage. If a rash has not been seen […]


A dangerous “miracle” solution

LDA has received a warning from the National Food Crime Unit (NFCU) about the dangers of using Sodium Chlorite products in treating Lyme disease.  Products containing Sodium Chlorite are being openly promoted as a treatment (even cure) for Lyme disease.  A simple web-search for Miracle Mineral Solution or Master Mineral Supplement (MMS) and Chlorine Dioxide […]


Another Guideline – France this time

France has finally published its National Protocol “Lyme and tick-borne diseases: go beyond controversy and propose a solution to everyone”. Why the marketing hype? What is their solution? The French treatment recommendations actually fall short of what NICE recommends: they give only 14 days treatment for EM, 28 days maximum treatment (for late Lyme neuroborreliosis […]


Spotlight on Lyme disease

Lyme Disease Action (LDA) is really pleased to announce that once again it has the opportunity of developing real-world tools to support clinicians. In line with its core purpose to strive for “the prevention and treatment of Lyme disease and associated tick borne diseases”, LDA is co-funding a Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) “Spotlight […]


NICE Guideline – LDA’s reaction

Lyme Disease Action (LDA) broadly welcomes the NICE Guideline published this week. It is not the ‘game changer’ some may have been hoping for. But nor are any perceived shortcomings cause to demand their wholesale withdrawal, as is being suggested in some quarters. LDA feels now is not the time to “throw the baby out […]


Press release – Lyme disease Guideline

Lyme disease Guideline – A step forward Leading Lyme disease charity, Lyme Disease Action (LDA), welcomes the guideline on diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, published by NICE this week, as a small step in the right direction. The recommendations standardising on longer treatment duration are particularly welcome as they increase the chances of early […]


Significant rise in cases of Lyme disease

Public Health England (PHE) has published its latest figures for Common Animal Associated Infections in 2017.  The fourth quarter report (England and Wales) for 2017 shows a 35% rise in laboratory confirmed cases of Lyme disease over the numbers for 2016. PHE acknowledge that they do not know whether this is caused by better awareness, […]


Another rise in reported cases

In November we reported a rise in the number of reported cases of Lyme disease. This clearly wasn’t just a blip as figures for the last quarter of 2017 have just confirmed the trend. Public Health England (PHE) has published its latest figures for Common Animal Associated Infections in 2017. The fourth quarter report (England […]


APPG officers

Following its first meeting, the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Lyme disease held its inaugural AGM on 28th November and appointed officers. APPGs are for groups of parliamentarians who have a specific interest, in this case Lyme disease, and provide a ‘safe’ place where MPs and members of the House of Lords can discuss […]


Rise in reported cases

Public Health England has now published provisional figures for Lyme disease for the third quarter of 2017 in the Health Protection Report , covering the period from January to September (weeks 0-39). As usual, this represents laboratory confirmed cases by the Rare and Imported Pathogens Laboratory (RIPL), based on positive Lyme serology tests of samples […]
