Concern about rise in Lyme disease cases

Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer, Sir Harry Burns, has published his annual report covering 2010. In Chapter 6, on zoonoses, Sir Harry says “One concerning trend in zoonoses, i.e. diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans, is that shown by the increase in Lyme disease, a tick-borne disorder. The rise cannot be accounted for […]


LDA – Officially accredited quality information

Lyme Disease Action has been certified as a provider of high quality health information by The Information Standard scheme. This scheme was developed by the Department of Health to help the public identify trustworthy health and social care information easily. At the heart of the scheme is the standard itself – a set of criteria that […]


A green fingered tick warning

Whether you’re tidying up the garden before winter kicks in, or sorting it out ready for spring, keep an eye out for ticks which, if infected, can cause Lyme disease.  You don’t need a sprawling rural garden to be at risk of Lyme disease, as ticks – tiny blood-sucking parasites (the size of a full […]


Ascot Skydive: the Lyme Nine

Prompted by an employee whose young son suffered badly from Lyme disease, Ascot Underwriting chose LDA as their charity of the year. A group of them (the Lyme Nine) decided to make a contribution by throwing themselves out of an aeroplane at a dizzying height above the ground. Not for the faint hearted! They have also put a […]


Full Recovery from Lyme Disease

Sam Stosur, Australia’s world-class tennis player, currently ranked no 7, was severely affected by Lyme disease for 10 months in 2007. Last year she got as far as a grand slam final and now she has finally fought through to win her first title. This article in the Guardian relates her battles, not just with […]


Health Services Survey

An independent research group called ‘LymeResearchUK and Ireland‘, has launched a survey to find out about the experiences of people with Lyme disease, in particular about the health services they have received. The research group is headed by Kate Bloor, a member of the Social Research Association, and the charity Tick Talk Ireland. The survey […]


Bracken control chemical banned

Conservationists and farmers are fighting to retain Asulox, a bracken control herbicide, that the EU is banning. It is one of the few effective chemicals for controlling bracken and the only one licensed for aerial spraying. Asulox kills bracken while leaving most other plants (including heather and food crops like spinach) unharmed. The ban has […]


Statement by LDA Chair

Statement by LDA’s chair, Stella Huyshe-Shires – 10 September 2011 Recording on YouTube. Text for those who would rather read: We are all disappointed that the HPA will not be providing the expected speaker for our conference this coming week. I’m afraid that at Lyme Disease Action we find it inexplicable that an organisation which […]


HPA bans staff from LDA conference

The arranged speaker from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) has been forbidden to speak at the LDA conference. It is difficult to think of reasons for this and there only seem two possibilities: Either LDA is an antiscience “advocacy group” with which the HPA dare not be associated in case it brings the HPA into […]


GP claims Lyme disease not known in Berkshire

The Bracknell Standard reports on the story of a Berkshire woman who developed a typical Lyme disease rash following a bite. Her doctor was dismissive of the possibility of Lyme disease but having researched using the internet, she eventually received treatment at a local hospital. The local microbiologist told her that the disease is definitely in […]
